Training successful presentation: Employees present their project to the audience in an inspired way.

Successful Presentations

Only the effective and inspiring presentation of work results guarantees that the presentation will be accepted by the audience and receive the appropriate appreciation. Success factors are the target group specific preparation and the convincing presentation. The techniques and knowledge required for this are conveyed to the participants during the training through repeated application and targeted feedback.

At the end of the training you are able to:

Contents conveyed

A) Target analysis

  • Identify and understand the audience of the presentation
  • Communicate in a manner appropriate to the addressees

B) Basic rules of professional appearance

  • Knowing the effects of body language and tone of voice
  • Master critical situations during the presentation

C) Targeted use of media

  • Get to know presentation media
  • Determine suitable situations for the application of media

D) Designing the presentation process

  • Learn to design a powerful start and end
  • Increase the impact of the presentation through the targeted use of symbols

Presentation of different topics using video recording for continuous improvement of weak points during the training. Intensive individual and group exercises to intensify the use and application of taught content.

Target group / group of participants:
Project managers, project team members and employees in companies who will be introduced into the role of project manager.

German / English

1.5 - 2 days

Participants' opinions:
„The multiple video recordings and the one-to-one feedback helped me a lot.“

„Due to the many presentations I was able to notice a tangible improvement in presentations during the training.“

„I'm not afraid of presentations anymore“

„The many little practical tips and tricks were new to me."“

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Successful Presentations?